Friday 14 March 2008

day 73

"Beauty, truth, friendship, love, creation---these are the great values of life. We can't prove them, or explain them, yet they are the most stable things in our lives."
Jesse Herman Holmes
What are your great values in life?

This one made me think so hard it's a day late, I just couldn't get it together yesterday to photograph or journal. However after much thought I took this self portrait fresh from the shower ( hence still wet hair) and decided just to go for it.
So my great values are centered around my family and my moral stance in life. Some of which are just too heavy to be fun so on the lighter side - DH and I are both firm believers in doing it now in case you can't later, being honest with everyone, living life to the full and not putting off till tomorrow what can be done today, unless of course its jobs!!! We strongly value family time together for the three of us and keeping up our hobbies that keep us sane on a personal level.


knitkath said...

Lovely pic and journalling!

Shirley said...

Kay you are so going for it with your photos these days, well done you. A lovely self portrait
I know you live by these values and you encourage others to do so to.
I am so lucky to have you as my friend.