Friday 22 February 2008

day 53

"Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful" William Morris.

Well this is surely the week for this, I have pigged out my craft room here is the result as evidence I'm no longer keeping anything that is not useful or beautiful. I used to run craft and scrapbooking clubs at school but since I've lowered my hours I had to stop. This meant all the items stored for the children to use and abuse are just not needed anymore. To be honest a lot of it is pure tat but I'm a bit of a hoarder and therefore always keep hold of it in case it could be useful. I'd rather get my knees under my desk though so it had to go.


knitkath said...

Well done on the clear out! Think we are all the same, the "it might be useful" mentality! Love the pic!

Lynne said...

Kay that was a great photo!
Well done getting rid of all the clutter!

Scrappy~Sarah said...

love the pic...well done on the declutter :D