Sunday, 19 June 2011

Our first Ascot

Well despite the weather we had a truely brilliant day at Royal Ascot, having been proposed for the Royal Enclosure we went to town and did our level best to respect the tradition and join in whole heartedly. it was super and I can't wait for next year.


Minty Magic said...

Wow you both look very glam. Glad you had a great day.

susibee said...

Wow! Don't you both look fab:)
I'm glad you had a lovely day and the weather didn't spoil it.

Lucky Dee going to work in style!

Shirley said...

You both look stunning.
So thrilled that you enjoyed yourselves.

Good luck to Dee in her new job, love the mode of transport so much better than catching the bus to work!

Laura said...

Awesome! You look so good - you both do. :)

Lynne said...

WOW Kay you look fab and OK so does Chris :)

Lucky Dee too!!

Great to see you scrapping again too xxx