Sunday, 27 April 2008

day 118

Day 118
Prompt 118
“Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us daily. ”
Sally Koch - author
What small opportunity did you grab by the horns today?

My pal's and I normally do one hair brained event a year to raise money for a charity. We have had some of them parachuting out of planes ( I couldn't face that one but was there every step of the way as support). We have taken part in the London 10Km run and the Oxford Santa run. This year's mad idea was to abseil 100ft down the side of the John Radcliffe Hospital's Women's Centre. We did this this morning at 9.15, I wasn't bothered by the idea until I was stood on the edge then my nerves kicked in. I felt a strange churning, but carried on regardless as they say. I was fine abseiling and only had a minor wobble and an adrenalin tear at the bottom after the rush had gone. It was great and I wouldn't hesitate to do it again. Knowing that I'd raised £310 for the new cancer wing they are building and we raised over £700 between us was the icing on the cake.


Mary B said...

that is great Kay absolutely great

Lynne said...

That was a great opportunity today!!
Absolutely great!!

Shirley said...

CONGRATULATIONS on making it safely to the bottom Kay.
Well done on all that money you raised.