Wednesday, 30 April 2008

day 121

Day 121
Prompt 121
"Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you"
Frank Lloyd Wright

I had to rush out between the showers and try to do my wonderful Acer justice for this prompt. I had never even seen one till we moved here. (Not being a gardener I probably had but didn't know what I was seeing). I was really sad the first winter when it died back to twigs, and was really thrilled when it spurted forth new life, bigger and better than ever in the spring. I just adore it, I can't wait for the cycle to happen each year and now, seven years on, I still love it at this time of year when it's at its best.

Tuesday, 29 April 2008

day 120

“If you are seeking creative ideas, go out walking. Angels whisper to a man when he goes for a walk.”Raymond Inmon

Oh er this is a bit tricky cos DH always does the walking in the rain, and that's if we can convince Ollie to go. He normally stands at the door, looks out and turns tail. He hates going out in the rain, here's me talking to him about the prospect which he didn't even want to discuss.

Monday, 28 April 2008

LO 17

This week we have to do a LO of one of our uplifting and inspirational pictures from this week. Here is my LO about my abseil this sunday.

day 119

Day 119
Prompt 119
Find a quote that expresses how you feel after 119 days of taking self portraits!

I have concentrated all the year on myself and my family, so it is correct for me to do so here. I have found this quote for today - "Family faces are magic mirrors. Looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, present and future." Gail Lumet Buckley.

I think this say's it all for me today. I thought I'd include this shot of DD being rather pleased I'd finished the abseil yesterday.

Sunday, 27 April 2008

LO 16

My LO is of the picture I took of DD for the prudence prompt, but I have scrapped it about her new hairstyle as that was more appropriate for her to keep in her album. I have used wings but thought a crown more fitting for the LO than a halo so beg forgiveness for that too.

day 118

Day 118
Prompt 118
“Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us daily. ”
Sally Koch - author
What small opportunity did you grab by the horns today?

My pal's and I normally do one hair brained event a year to raise money for a charity. We have had some of them parachuting out of planes ( I couldn't face that one but was there every step of the way as support). We have taken part in the London 10Km run and the Oxford Santa run. This year's mad idea was to abseil 100ft down the side of the John Radcliffe Hospital's Women's Centre. We did this this morning at 9.15, I wasn't bothered by the idea until I was stood on the edge then my nerves kicked in. I felt a strange churning, but carried on regardless as they say. I was fine abseiling and only had a minor wobble and an adrenalin tear at the bottom after the rush had gone. It was great and I wouldn't hesitate to do it again. Knowing that I'd raised £310 for the new cancer wing they are building and we raised over £700 between us was the icing on the cake.

day 117

Day 117
Prompt 117
“Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.”
Mary Anne Radmacher - author

I certainly intended to help my friend with her 40th birthday party, I listened hard to the chat (mainly cos I'm losing my hearing), I play and danced and had fun, I chose to ignore tired DD and have fun at my bessie mates bash for once and not regret that decision. I Did what I loved and had fun with friends, and I really lived as if that is all there is!

Friday, 25 April 2008

day 116

Prompt 116
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
Eleanor Roosevelt - First lady
Follow your dreams! What are your dream?

I dream of being another size or two smaller than I am now. I also dream of the day when DH and I give this all up and buy our dream boat. This is our retirement plan we have always pushed to increase the property we own to the largest we can manage so we will be able to use it as a capital investment later on. We then want to exchange our house for a flat as a base here to see DD and a large live aboard boat for us to travel around Europe and beyond. Well you asked for dreams!!!!!!

Thursday, 24 April 2008

day 115

Prompt 115
“Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there's love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong"
Ella Jane Fitzgerald - Jazz vocalist

I needed this prompt today. I have been dieting for three months now and although I still have a long way to go I have been doing well with the motivation mostly until today. Although I have stuck to the diet still I just feel like having something really bad! I don't know why, except I was a bit disappointed to lose only I pound this week. I thought I'd done better then that and on checking with my consultant it appears I'm not actually eating enough. It is easy to fall into the trap of eating things you know are ok and slip on the variety as much as the quantity. I need to get back to the books and plan my menus more carefully to keep my momentum going. That may have to take a priority tomorrow morning so I can shop and cook accordingly.

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

day 114

Day 114
Prompt 114
"Still round the corner there may wait, A new road or a secret gate. ”
JR Tolkein - author

I had to really think about this one. I am constantly dithering about if I should stay in my job or move on to pastures new. I have stayed due to the convienience for DD till now but as she becomes increasingly independant I am beginning to hanker after a major change. I love some parts of my work and loathe others. I don't really want to do any more, but think it must be lovely to not take it home at the end of the day. I took this picture of myself pondering the question yet again, I suppose if I can't decide that's decision enough. I am not yet ready to move on so need to keep thinking about it for a while longer. So my new road is still around a corner for me.

Tuesday, 22 April 2008

day 113

Day 113
Prompt 113
The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.” Thomas Paine - author

I hope my friend will be ok with my using this picture of her I took yesterday. She is so perfect for today's quote. She is currently undergoing medical tests. After spending the day with her yesterday, during the preparation for today, all I can say is how controlled, caring and amazing she is. Ok I may have struggled to get her to drink quite as much as she was supposed to, but considering all the problems that were going on around us I'm staggered she didn't just sit down and weep. She really does smile through troubles, show strength beyond bounds and have enough bravery for us all to share. I'm so glad she's my friend.

day 112

Day 112
Prompt 112
PRUDENCE - 1 : the ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason 2 : sagacity or shrewdness in the management of affairs 3 : skill and good judgment in the use of resources 4 : caution or circumspection as to danger or risk

DD has prudence down to a fine art form. She governs herself and shows extraordinary self disipline when she needs to make time to read, throwing back at me every line I have ever used to encourage her in the past will unerring accuracy. She only had a very short time in her life a couple of years ago when she hasn't read avidly. The surprise and to be frank dismay at the time was very profound. I didn't realise it would be short lived, and worried that she had turned her back on books for good. I should have had far more faith.

Sunday, 20 April 2008

day 111

Day 111
Prompt 111

Well temperance is all about moderation. I know all about that having been dieting for nearly three months now, with at least another five months to go I should think. I have reduced my alcohol intake from a near nightly tipple to possibly one drink a week and often none. I can't say I miss it, it really hasn't bothered me at all. But I am proud of myself as I had begun to think I had a problem brewing. I have also altered my food habits drastically. I prepare a meal from scratch daily and fresh healthy lunches, aswell as eating a sensible breakfast. In all I think I possibly eat more but it's the right things. No chocolate, crisps or cakes, which I must admit were rarely eaten in moderation. So I think I can safely say I have learnt the virtue of temperance, and pray I continue to maintain it for life.

Saturday, 19 April 2008

day 110

Prompt 110

Well I have DH to blame for this one, I have been racking my brain all day for how to do this one and he jokingly said as I finished my tea "blimey you did that justice!". That'll do for me this is what he was looking at as he said it so I'm sharing it with you.

Friday, 18 April 2008

day 109

Day 109
Prompt - Fortitude

After googling Fortitude I was no further forward in my thinking for today's prompt. I did however enjoy this description of Fortitude as a woman character depicted in the Tapestry of Fortitude one of the 7 tapestry's of the Heavenly Virtues.

Fortitude wears a helmet and armour, carries Samson's Pillar in her right hand and strangles a dragon with her left. She rides in a chariot. The chariot was a traditional feature of Renaissance art, emphasising victory.
Samson's Pillar relates to the story of Samson in the Old Testament. After many daring exploits, Samson was captured by the Philistines, who blinded and humiliated him. One day he was taken to a house full of Philistines, where he grasped the pillars supporting the roof and prayed for vengeance. The house collapsed, killing him and many of his enemies. (Judges 13-16)
The dragon in Christian culture symbolises Satan. Here, its strangulation at the hands of Fortitude represents the conquest of evil.

I'm sure you may enjoy it too so thought that I'd add that for now and see if anything else captures me later in the day.

Thursday, 17 April 2008

day 108

Day 108
Prompt 108


All my adult life ( since I was sixteen) I have done something be it large or small for various charities. At times I've been heavily involved at others just a one off event in a year. This years madness is on the 27th of April a friend of mine and I are abseiling down the John Radcliffe hospital in aid of the new cancer wing. I thought I'd chance another shot of me in slightly apprehensive mode, as it draws closer I am wondering about my degree of sanity!

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

day 107

Day 107
Prompt 107

Arhh that's a goodie for me, a nice picture of DD and I can rant on about my hopes and dreams for her. But I'm sure you can all guess what they are, so suffice to say I love her to bits and all I hope is for her to have good health happiness and the strength to follow her dreams.

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

day 106

Day 106
Prompt 106
The Seven Heavenly Virtues

I really have to admit to still not being terribly clear where I am with Faith. I used to believe deeply and without question. I have grown though to be unsure, I still think of myself as Christian and do very occasionally attend Church but really only for moments of dire need. Which I suppose is a little callous to say the least. I do question the rationale of a God that allows some of the suffering I see in life, especially in "my children". I went out to photograph our local Church St Michael and All Angels at Clifton Hampden, which we have been in often due to DD's school being a church school and having many events and occasions in there. It is truely beautiful and if I have a secret dream it is to see DD married here.

Monday, 14 April 2008

LO 15

Here is my favorite of this weeks sinning. I liked this basic grey paper when I spotted it for targetting the sins so to speak.

day 105

Prompt 105
SLOTH - is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work

I was trying to direct DH in taking the perfect shot of this when I was still in my pit at 9:00 this morning, but at least actively reviewing the thread. But I really couldn't put any of the results up! So I had a one shot chance of catching out DD before I got screamed at so this is the result! She is certainly turning into a teenager early!!! Still the best kid in the world though.

day 104

Day 104
Prompt 104
GREED - is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness.

I am going to have to follow suit today as I didn't actually get my camera out much at AP. We did however have a great day and we certainly were guilty of covetousness in the very least if not greed! It was great to meet so many 365'ers and share some time, we certainly want to make it a regular event and will have to think about how and when. This is us having a lunch break and we've just stopped oggling each others purchases.

Saturday, 12 April 2008

day 103

Day 103
Prompt 103
ANGER - is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath.

OH thanks to Shirley I have some pics of me trying to look angry, we were busy cropping and she helped me out. Thanks Shirl you are a star! I bet they look dreadful though, I do unfortunately suffer from the sin of anger, I am trying very hard to control it though, I don't lash out as I used to but when I'm stressed I'm prone to losing my grip a little.

Friday, 11 April 2008

day 102

Day 102
Prompt 102
LUST - is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body

Lust is also defined as being a craving for anything not just the body. Like Shirley with a 12 year old DD viewing the blog I'm not going there - So I thought long and hard and decided I'd definately lusted after the new stash DH could bring me from the USA. He is a scrapping store virgin or should I say was, he cracked it though, and came up trumps after many phone calls and me being handed to the surprised but very helpful assistant in Archivers, to describe some products I'd like. I'm off to drool over it now, and thought I'd tease you with a glimpse.

Thursday, 10 April 2008

day 101

GLUTTONY - is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires

Ho Ho it's my week so far. I have just sat down after spending the day taking M and D out to Asda to do the shopping for the food I cook up and batch freeze to keep them going for the next six weeks. I cook fresh once a week for them and then they suppliment my freezer meals with a local delivery service of frozen meals. So I have finally sat down after 4 hours cooking, with only one more meal to do, that I'll do later on. I have finally got this into a reasonable system after a year of practise! Not gluttony really but it looked like it in my house today.

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

LO 14

Scrap one of the senses pictures from this week.

I have chosen the "look" picture but actually scrapped the postcard involved. I have created an anchor from the arrow and scored the postcard so it folds and can still be read. I know DD will love this LO as she was so tickled by the sentiment.

day 100

Day 100
Prompt 100
ENVY - is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation

Today's job was to take DD shopping in Reading for new clothes and shoes. I couldn't believe my luck when I spotted this!!! Tee Hee The ENVY comes in with me wishing I could shop in this type of store!

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

day 99

The Seven Deadly Sins
PRIDE - is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity

Oh I am so guilty of this sin. I frequently take my pictures of myself for this blog and then won't use them, as I don't think they are good enough, I still don't like myself enough. But just to show I have taken heed here's me looking tired and frayed (the true me then). I think I need a makeover, I'll lose a bit more weight then I may just see to that. Then I'll be able to start loving myself a little bit more.

day 98

“Habit is the 6th sense that overrules the other 5"
Arab Proverb
Do you have a habit, be it a good one or a bad one, lol

I have a very nasty habit! When I finish all my jobs, blogging and chatting on UKS I settle down to a few minutes of spider solitare! I am totally addicted, it's a habit I would gladly break, just to catch up on my reading which is normally done in this time slot. My family are fed up with it, they don't like to talk to me through the laptop. So I think now I've outed myself I may have to try to conquer it. LOL we'll see...

Sunday, 6 April 2008

day 97

“I would rather have eyes that cannot see; ears that cannot hear; lips that cannot speak, than a heart that cannot love”
Robert Tizon
Carrying on with our theme of the senses this week

Oh how wonderful, I was so full of love for DD today, she looked so beautiful as a bridesmaid for my friends wedding. She was whisked off to the rehearsal yesterday amid all the dealings with the accident and then I didn't see her until I arrived at church for the service. I had been told no one had time to do her hair, so the surprise was fantastic to see her so well groomed. Her dad and I were thrilled, she is always beautiful but today she was simply stunning.

day 96


Well this was a really unfortunate "touch". Our friends followed the 200 miles to get to the Castle the Wedding was being held in this weekend. Only to have her car crashed into as she slowed to turn into the gateway! How much bad luck can one person get? She had only just collecte the car from the garage the week before from it being sorted when someone else had damaged it. The lady driving the car that did the damage sadly had her 12 year old in the passenger seat and she ended up with a broken nose from the air bag being deployed. So that needs to be heeded and my 12 year old will be positioned well back from the danger zone if not in the back seat! The picture shows the interior of the car that did the damage looking very sorry for its self. ( Only taken as part of the collection needed for the Police and the insurance company.)

Friday, 4 April 2008

day 95

"Taste" - sweet, sour, salty, sharp"

I tried and tried for a piccy of me today tasting things, but I couldn't get one I was happy with so I reverted to being literal. Here is my dieters arsenal af flavourings. I use the sweetner in place of sugar everywhere SWEET, I use balsamic vinegar on all my salads (which I eat a lot of) SOUR, I use rock salt sparingly when essential SALTY, and I use lemon juice to cup cut banana from going brown SHARP.

Thursday, 3 April 2008

day 94


I asked DD what she thought I should do for today and she immeadiately said the flowers, so we went and sniffed! The picture is the ourstanding winner in the smelly stakes. It had far more scent than the other types of flowers that are currently blooming in my garden, the dog thought we were a little strange but never mind eh! I love these double narcissi they are so pretty.

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

day 93

"Hear, listen"
What do your ears hear today?

Well DD came to the rescue today. I wanted badly a picture of children laughing, as I had my first experience in a special unit this morning. I was visiting to view some digitised voice gadgets in use, and the children just made my day, week, year!!! They were so welcoming, open, friendly and happy. I wanted to stay all day. I could easily give up work and go and volunteer there. Obviously I'm not allowed to photograph them hence DD helping out. Always thrilled to have her pose though anyway.

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

day 92

This week we will look at our senses
Prompt 92
"Look, see, view"
What do you eye spy today?

Oh this came just in time this fabulous postcard came for DD today from my Bro who is currently "working hard" in New Zealand for the RAF. He always has a good joke with DD and the message on the card... you guessed I hope, I saw this and thought of you of course!